Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bike be gone!

I realize it has been a while since I posted, but honestly, I haven't done much decluttering.  I've been very busy with many things and trying to enjoy the summer.

Recently, a cousin of mine posted a need on Facebook for a bike because she wanted to start riding and getting in shape.  She asked where she could find a good bike or if anyone had one they didn't want.  Well guess what??  I had one that was going to be donated (I have another one which I use), I just hadn't gotten around to it.  It's an older bike that needs a bit of work, minor work such as new inner tubes and oiling the chain or buying a new one and a good washing.

I sent her a picture of what I had and she liked it.  Along with the bike, I sent her the flashing red light under the seat and a slime inner tube I had but never put in.

I haven't spoken to her since she picked it up almost a month ago, but I sure hope it has gone to good use and that she's enjoying it.

Besides getting rid of the bike, I worked on my online business and got rid of a big chunk of inventory and hope to arrange my workspace a bit better.

The little things I've discarded were old makeup that I no longer use.