Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Today I had a bit of time and was able to toss a few things.  First off, I threw out approximately 15 file folders that I may have been able to use, but didn't want to hold on to them until I "have time" to redo my filing system.  Out they went, along with some rebate form copies dated 2004!

I came across a t-shirt I decorated when I was 12 years old with my best friend.  For some reason, over the last couple decades I felt there was some reason I wanted this.  Why not, I made it, right?  Well, the shirt serves me no purpose, whatsoever.  I meant to get a picture of it to post here, but got sidetracked and forgot.  If I can remember tomorrow, I'll take it out of my trash and get a picture of it.  Yes, it will go right back in the trash!!

Two more small items are currently in my possession, but won't be tomorrow.  A stuffed animal I won in the claw game, and a Hot Wheels toy car.  These will be given away, and I know they'll be enjoyed.  I also got rid of two hair clips and some costume jewelry.

The progress isn't much, but at some point I would have to make a decision on these items so was glad to get something out of the way!

Monday, May 28, 2012

It's SO hard to get rid of things that are new or hardly used no matter what they cost.  For example, I tossed a travel size Secret deodorant that cost maybe $1.50, but I really disliked how it made me smell. I've used Secret for a long time, but this was the invisible solid and scented, it was all I could find.  The entire day I just kept getting whiffs of it, and I didn't like it at all.  So, in the trash it went.

Next, I tossed two Aveeno face lotions.  One had expired, but I've never been too concerned with these dates.  The other still had some time, but I thought it was a bit too thick for the summer and I think it made me break out last time I used it.   These lotions weren't cheap, but I had to realize that they would just sit there indefinitely and I would probably look at them every day and be unhappy doing so.  

I feel better after getting rid of this clutter.  

Friday, May 25, 2012

Two things out...

Those winter shoes are OUT!  Yes!  It has been at least two years since I used them.  I also got rid of a perfectly good silver picture frame and I just don't like.  Surely someone will.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

It seems like the more I see the inside of other people's houses, the more I know what a house should look like.  Sounds bad, but it's true.  I can't think of a time when I had true structure, and it's difficult (but not impossible) to change things once you've lived a certain way for so many years.  When I was really young, I think things were pretty decently organized in the house, but it got worse as I grew older.  It all fell apart.

It's been so long since I've posted that I really can't remember what I've said, so forgive me if this is a repost of sorts.

If you were to see the inside of my mom's kitchen right now, you would probably find, on the counters, food, junk mail, cooking utensils spread out, cut up fruit or some ready to eat thing, a rarely lit candle, at least one vegetable she's trying to grow in a tupperware of water, dried seeds from tomatoes, peppers or whatever floats her boat, a book, mascara, lotion, maybe a toothbrush, nail file, a towel that you wonder if it's clean, Kleenex, matches...  Yes, it's true.  There is so much stuff scattered on the counters, that it's hard to do anything, because when you try to do something, you have to move the stuff around and there isn't a clear space to put it!  Every space is covered.  Few things have "homes."  She claims she needs a larger house...I think, no, I know, she needs less stuff.

I am afraid of ending up this way...I WON'T  END UP THIS WAY.  It's honestly a miserable way to live.

I actually can't tell you how many things the house has "eaten."  It could almost be in your face, and you wouldn't even know it because there is so much stuff that it all gets camouflaged.  So sad.

Anyhow, I've seen the way people keep their houses, and I have watched YouTube videos so have a pretty good idea of how things "should" be...well, if you want to be sane.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm a born organized person (because I love order!), but just one that has WAY too many belongings to keep straight.  Is this possible?

Tired of STUFF running my life.

*What can I get rid of?  I will donate one pair of shoes I've kept for the winter...but haven't actually used them for about two years.  They will go in the bag that has been ready to go to the donation center for about a month or so; it's currently cluttering my floor.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ugh, I'm horrible at blogging!

Clutter.  I hate it!  I didn't succeed in 2011 at becoming clutter free, but I've been working on it since.  I guess not just furious enough.  If I were anyone else, like my boyfriend, it would have been done in a weekend.

It's just so difficult to get rid of things that have sentimental value.  Not to mention the items that cost a lot.

Yes, I've been getting better, but it's just not enough.  I know you can't organize clutter, but we all need a place to put things, which means organization.  I like things in their place.  I hate having to look for things.  What a time waster!

I don't know where I'm going with this post, I just needed to post something.  One of my mini goals right now is to keep my car clutter free.  It's a mini goal, but it all starts with baby steps, right?