Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Today I had a bit of time and was able to toss a few things.  First off, I threw out approximately 15 file folders that I may have been able to use, but didn't want to hold on to them until I "have time" to redo my filing system.  Out they went, along with some rebate form copies dated 2004!

I came across a t-shirt I decorated when I was 12 years old with my best friend.  For some reason, over the last couple decades I felt there was some reason I wanted this.  Why not, I made it, right?  Well, the shirt serves me no purpose, whatsoever.  I meant to get a picture of it to post here, but got sidetracked and forgot.  If I can remember tomorrow, I'll take it out of my trash and get a picture of it.  Yes, it will go right back in the trash!!

Two more small items are currently in my possession, but won't be tomorrow.  A stuffed animal I won in the claw game, and a Hot Wheels toy car.  These will be given away, and I know they'll be enjoyed.  I also got rid of two hair clips and some costume jewelry.

The progress isn't much, but at some point I would have to make a decision on these items so was glad to get something out of the way!

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